Puget Sound Wranglers
Puget Sound Wranglers

Interroga Omnia!

How We Do Things


...is limited to 24 active members, aged 40 or more. Members must attend at least six of the ten yearly meetings— September through June (no meetings in July or August). Members not meeting this requirement will be dropped from the club.

After five years of membership and at any time after age 75, active members may apply for Emeritus status. These members don’t present papers, but do hold the right to vote and are required to still pay dinner dues.

Whenever the membership is full, two additional people may be approved as Reserve members. They will have all the privileges of regular members except that they are not in rotation for presentations or member's moments, and do not vote. They move onto the active member roster as soon as openings become available.

Prospective members attend one meeting before being formally proposed. Persons proposed— and seconded by members present— shall fill vacancies.


...include President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and WebMaster. The current President, one other member he appoints, and the immediate Past-President are recognized at the April meeting as the Election Committee. They present a slate of nominees for the following year at May’s meeting. New officers are elected at the June meeting.

Dinner Meetings:

Wranglers always meet on the second Thursday of each month at the Aljoya Retirement Center (no meetings July/August). Come anytime 6pm on for the happy hour. Dinner is 6:45, Member’s Moment is about 7:20, featured speaker is on at 7:30. Out by 9!

Program Presentations:

A schedule of speakers is maintained/circulated regularly, with revisions made as new members join. Each member, in his turn, presents an oral paper to the club. Members are notified well in advance of their scheduled presentations. Speakers are urged to decide, and notify members in advance, what the particular wrangling issues of their presentation should be. Each speaker should submit to the Secretary a short abstract of his talk for inclusion in the minutes.

New members are expected to give their first presentation by the sixth month of their membership.

Speakers using slides should arrange for a run-through of the A/V system (call Wrangler Bill Dowling to set this up: 206-954-1819).

The December Christmas meeting includes spouses/guests.


In September, and again in January, members pay a flat fee determined by the Treasurer (about $185 per half-year) to cover their dinner expenses, regardless of the number of meetings attended or missed.

September’s assessment includes the cost of one guest per member at the December (Christmas) meeting.

Members may also host guests at any meeting and pay their dinner costs to the Treasurer. The featured speaker may bring a guest to his meeting without charge. Any Wrangler may invite a prospective member to attend a dinner meeting— at no charge.

Officers For 2024-2025

President— Einer Handeland

Vice President— Dan Hungate

Secretary— Rich Matrisian

Treasurer— Bill Dowling

Web Guy— Tony Ward-Smith